- Cookie政策
Last updated: July. 12, 2022
美律實業股份有限公司 (「美律」、「我們」、「我方」或「我方的」)經營本公司網站(www.merry.com.tw),本頁說明我們如何使用 Cookies 及相關資訊。
Merry Electronics Co., Ltd. (“Merry”, “us”, “we”, or “our”) operates the company website (www.merry.com.tw). This page informs you of our policies regarding the Cookies and related information.
Cookie 是什麼?
What are Cookies?
Cookie 是您造訪之網站和/或應用程式放置在您電腦中的小型文字檔,協助儲存所造訪網頁上的偏好和其他資訊。
Cookies are small text files stored on a user's computer that helps store preferences and other information on web pages visited.
我們為什麼要使用 Cookie?
Why do we use cookies?
我們透過 Cookie 所收集到的資訊具有下列用途:
We may use cookies for various purposes:
To provide, manage, and improve the website service and its performance
To detect, prevent and address technical issues
To help us better understand your interests and needs, and improve the website
What types of cookies do we use?
必要的 Cookie
Strictly necessary cookies
必要的 Cookie 可以讓您使用我們的網站以及網站上的所有功能,例如存取網站中的安全區域、不須重複登入等。不使用這類 Cookie 可能就無法使用網站上的部份功能。These cookies are required in order for users to surf on our website and use its features, which include, inter alia, access to secure area without having to repeatedly log in and remembering your actions in each page during one session. Some functions on the website may not be available without the use of these cookies.
Service and Analytics cookies
這類Cookies資訊諸如網頁被點選的部分、造訪的網頁次數、每次工作階段的時間長度以及錯誤訊息 (如有),來改善我們的網站並為使用者提供更好的體驗。
These cookies help us to make our website work as efficiently as possible. We collect information such as the part of the webpage clicked, number of webpages visited, length of time of each session, and error messages (if any) with the purpose of improving our website and providing users with a better experience.
大多數瀏覽器允許您查看您的Cookies。依據不同瀏覽器,您可以設定瀏覽器在接受 cookies 之前提醒您、您可自行拒絕接受、刪除Cookies或封鎖來自特定網站或所有網站的Cookies。請注意,如果您刪除相關的Cookies,可能影響使用本網站的體驗。如您需要更進一步資訊請搜尋如下:
Most internet browsers allow you to review your cookies. Depending on your browser, you may set your browser to warn you before accepting cookies; you may also refuse, delete cookies yourself or block cookies from specific websites or all websites. Please note that disabling cookies may impact your experience on our sites. For more information about control of cookies, please visit:
which provide information on managing settings for major browser providers.
Changes to our Cookie Policy
We reserve the right to amend this Cookies Policy at any time to reflect changes in the law, our data collection and use practices, the features of our Service, or advances in technology. We will make the revised Cookies Policy accessible through the Service, so you should review the Policy periodically. You can know if the Cookies Policy has changed since the last time you reviewed it by checking the “Last Updated Date” included at the beginning of the document. If we make a material change to the Policy, you will be provided with appropriate notice in accordance with legal requirements. By continuing to use the Service, you are confirming that you have read and understood the latest version of this Cookies Policy.
本公司的隱私權政策有更多關於我們如何處理與 cookies 相關的個人資料,以及其他使用目的之資訊,請您參閱隱私權政策。
Please note that the processing of your personal data in connection with cookies, and for other purposes, is governed by our Privacy Policy.
聯絡資訊Contact Us
If you have any questions about this Cookies Policy, please contact us by email your questions to