Our Plant

Our Plant

Under the Board, we have established the Sustainable Development Promotion Team and the responsible unit for environmental management to promote environmental resources management, corporate carbon management, energy management and renewables use, water and waste management, as well as strengthening environmental protection awareness.
The dedication unit of sustainable environment corresponds to the group’s sustainable development commitment and global environmental issues; plans and establishes the group’s short- and long-term environmental sustainability policies and goals; holds environmental sustainability meetings with all locations periodically; follows up the planning and implementation of their sustainability actions; and exchanges experience and the last trends of environmental sustainability issues in order to strengthen the horizontal collaboration and communication across organizations and departments. In terms of execution, each business unit includes the relevant environmental policies and targets in the management systems, while the dedication unit of sustainable environment promotes the collection and consolidation of the relevant information within the group.

Environmental Protection Policy and Commitment

Issue Strategy Highlights of 2022 2023 Target Medium-term targets and strategies
GHG inventory
GHG inventory
  • We constantly expand GHG inventory to all locations and enforce the inventory of other indirect (Scope 3: categories 3 to 6) GHG emissions
  • Taiwan HQ and Merry Shenzhen performed organizational GHG inventory in accordance with the ISO 14064-1:2018 standard and passed the third-party verification.
  • Merry Vietnam and Merry Thailand completed internal organizational GHG inventory in accordance with the ISO14064-1:2018 standard.
  • Completed the carbon footprint inventory of an earphone product (one piece) and passed the third-party verification of ISO14067:2018.
  • Taiwan HQ and Merry Shenzhen completed the third-party verification in accordance of ISO14064-1:2018
  • Merry Vietnam, Merry Thailand, Merry Hong Kong, Merry Singapore, and Merry USA completed the internal inventory in accordance with ISO14064-1:2018 specifications
  • All locations performed GHG inventory in accordance with the latest ISO14064-1 standard
  • We implemented the Science Based Targets (SBT) to implement carbon reduction and management more effectively
Enhancing energy efficiency
Energy monitoring system and energy use analysis
  • Improved the energy efficiency of energy-consuming equipment
Paying attention to successful examples in corporate energy conservation
  • Through experience exchange talks and external successful examples in energy conservation, we actively learned new technology, concepts, and experience
  • Merry Shenzhen Plant 2 introduced electric meter monitoring and established an energy management system to automatically collect data by the system for improvement in abnormal power consumption immediately.
  • Merry Vietnam installed a waste heat recycling system in its air compressor system to provide hot water to dormitories, which can save approximately 16,000kWh each year.
  • Merry Thailand updated 14 inverter A/Cs to improve energy consumption efficiency, which can save approximately 66,600kWh each year.
  • Reduce energy intensity by 7.5% (base year 2020)
  • Constantly enhanced equipment efficiency to strengthen the energy use analysis and monitoring system
  • Constantly expanded the scope of energy management and enforced energy efficiency improvement plans
Use renewable energy
  • Assess solar PV system construction and renewables transfer projects
Renewable energy certificate (REC)
  • Supported local renewables development by purchasing RECs
  • In 2022, under the boundary of RE100, Merry used a total of 5,506MWh of renewable energy, accounting for 16.31% of the total power ratio, in which 907MWh was the direct use of renewable energy, and 4,599MWh was through the purchase of renewable energy certificates.
  • Merry Vietnam installed a rooftop solar power system, and it is estimated to be put into use in March 2023
  • In 2023, the proportion of the use of renewable energy will reach 21% of total energy consumption.
  • The headquarters in Taichung installed a rooftop solar power system, and it is estimated to be put into use in January 2024, and it is estimated to generate approximately 250MWh of power
  • In 2030, the proportion of renewables use will reach 60% of total energy consumption
Internal carbon pricing
Establishment of Shadow Pricing
  • Set internal carbon pricing to evaluate regulatory and transformation risks related to climate change that may be faced by the organization in the future
  • Plan for the establishment of the internal carbon pricing system of the Group and introduce and set up the short-term, mid-term, and long-term objectives and relevant promotion schedule of the internal carbon pricing system
  • Set up the internal carbon pricing system and establish relevant procedure documents
  • Continue to carry out the internal promotion of shadow carbon pricing and implementation
  • Continual optimization of operating procedures
  • Introduce an internal carbon fee system to improve the internal awareness of carbon dioxide reduction of the organization
Water resources & Waste
Water resources
  • While domestic water use was the major water consumption at plants, we used water-efficient equipment and enhanced employee awareness by adopting ISO 14001 as the basis for the water resource management of our plants
  • We periodically followed up on the plant’s hazardous waste disposal and conducted real-time analysis and improvement of abnormal waste production by adopting ISO 14001 as the basis for the waste management of our plants
Water resources
  • Merry Taiwan has installed a rainwater collection system, and the gathering volume is approximately 1,000 tons, and the maximum use volume is 60%
  • Merry Shenzhen has changed to use 37 water-saving faucets
  • Merry Thailand adjusted the water pressure of the faucets and the water level of the flushing equipment
  • Merry Shenzhen optimized the SMT procedures and reduced the generation of hazardous wastes by approximately 24% as compared to 2021
  • 100% compliance with local laws and standards for waste disposal
Water resources
  • Water consumption intensity was reduced by 6% as compared to the base year (base year 2020)
  • Waste intensity was reduced by 6% as compared to the base year (base year 2020)
  • Constant promoted reduction in waste production per unit output value and enforced resource recycling following source management
Water resources
  • Enhanced water monitoring and analysis and constantly enhanced water efficiency
  • Constantly implemented waste reduction and enforced resource recycling following source management

Merry Environmental Sustainability Goal: Net Zero Emissions in 2050

To support the climate action of net zero emissions, we set “Net Zero Emissions 2050” as an important roadmap of our action to reduce energy carbon emissions and use renewables for environmental sustainability to actively include the environmental sustainability concept to product design and development, enhance the efficiency of environmental resources, and lastly offset carbon emissions by means of carbon offsetting.
  2022 2023 2024-2025 2030
Planning renewables use
16% Reneables 
  • Assessing the solar PV system and renewables transfer plans of Merry HQ.
  • Assessing the construction of self-built solar PV equipment at other locations to promote renewables use.
  • Planning renewables purchase in all regions and signing contracts in advance to ensure the stable REC supply.
21% Reneables 
  • Establishment of the PV systems of the headquarters of Merry and Merry Vietnam.
  • Long-term renewable energy purchase contract negotiation and evaluation of Merry Thailand.
  • Constantly planning renewables purchase in all regions and signing contracts in advance to ensure the stable renewables supply
33% Reneables 
  • Enhancing the assessment of constructing self-produced solar PV equipment at other locations to promote renewables use.
  • Constantly planning renewables purchase in all regions and signing contracts in advance to ensure the stable renewables supply.
60% Reneables 
  • Increasing renewables use to 60% according to the RE100 targets.
Carbon management and energy management  
  • Facilitate operating organizations to carry out organizational carbon inventory according to the specifications under ISO14064-1:2018
  • Performing CFP inventory under ISO14067:2018 and assessing the carbon reduction potential of products to realize the DfS concept in all stages of the product life cycle.
  • Plan for the internal carbon pricing roadmap of the Group and adopt MEHO as the example location for establishing the shadow carbon fee system.
  • Locating emission hotspots based on the inventory outcomes and setting action plans and targets in combination with the group’s energy conservation and carbon reduction targets.
  • Establish the reduction targets for categories 1 and 2 separately.
  • Initiate the establishment of SBT to establish a main structure for the long-term net zero target route of Merry.
  • MEHO promotes the internal carbon pricing system and implements carbon risk evaluation and management for energy-related equipment and investments.
  • Promote digital carbon management and establish an internal carbon management platform.
  • Regularly communicate and examine energy use efficiency performance with plants.
  • Locating emission hotspots based on the inventory outcomes and setting action plans and targets in combination with the group’s energy conservation and carbon reduction targets.
34% Net zero
  • Introducing SBT to establish effective and practicable carbon reduction pathways to progressively reduce GHG emissions yearly.
  • Constantly realizing the internal carbon pricing system, charging internal carbon fees from specific departments to establish the climate action fund, and enhancing the internalization of carbon costs to organizational operation and investment decision-making.
  • Constantly promoting the organizational energy monitoring system to all locations to enhance the energy efficiency of all organizations within the group.
58% Net zero
  • Establishing the Merry carbon removal strategy and investing in carbon sink or other carbon negative technology.